Mohammad Tavakkoli and Francisco Vargas will receive the 2016 Best Applied Paper Award from the AIChE South Texas Section, for co-authoring, along with Andrew Chen, the paper titled “Rethinking the modeling approach for asphaltene precipitation using the PC-SAFT Equation of State”. Professors and researchers from prestigious universities, such as Rice University, The University of Houston and Texas A&M University, compete annually for this important award.
M. Tavakkoli, A. Chen, F.M. Vargas. “Rethinking the modeling approach for asphaltene precipitation using the PC-SAFT Equation of State”, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2015, 416, pp 120–129.
M. Tavakkoli, A. Chen, F.M. Vargas. “Rethinking the modeling approach for asphaltene precipitation using the PC-SAFT Equation of State”, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2015, 416, pp 120–129.