Lab Tests

ENNOVA offers a wide range of laboratory tests for fluids and solid materials, phase behavior analyses, multiphase flow in different geometries including porous media. We can design and build lab equipment and implement novel procedures with the strictest quality and safety standards.
Our goal is to offer meaningful and reliable results to our clients, on time and with a minimum amount of sample.
The following are examples of laboratory tests that can be conducted:
- Crude oil characterization including density, viscosity, molecular weight, SARA analysis, polydisperse asphaltene distribution, water content.
- Water analyses.
- PVT and petroleum flow assurance tests (asphaltene, wax, gas hydrates) at high temperatures and pressures.
- Screening of oilfield chemicals at high temperature and pressure, including inhibitors to mitigate flow assurance problems (asphaltene, wax, scale, gas hydrates), corrosion inhibitors, emulsion breakers, foamers, etc.
- Emulsion stability
- Multiphase flow and phase behavior of petroleum systems in flow loops.
- Core flood tests.
- Visualization of fluid flow in porous media using microfluidics.
- Spectroscopic analyses of samples (refractive index, NIR, FITR, Fluorescence).
- Electronic Microscopy (SEM, TEM)
Other tests can be designed and executed upon request. Contact us to let us know about your requirements.